China is being tuned – Opening of large ABT Showroom in Beijing

ABT Sportsline is a sought-after brand in the People‘s Republic of China. It is therefore no wonder that the worldwide leading tuner of vehicles from the Volkswagen Group has now opened a showroom there together with its partner CATC and their largest dealer ZRF. As a presentation platform it sets new standards in the company. Thomas Biermaier, Export Manager at ABT, had the following to say at the opening in the metropolis of Beijing: "The wealth of the middle-class itself is an emerging economic force and for us it is a market with enormous potential.” Andrew Wu, CEO of CATC, adds: "German vehicles are very popular in China, especially in urban regions. ABT has an excellent reputation here.”

ABT Sportsline is a sought-after brand in the People‘s Republic of China. It is therefore no wonder that the worldwide leading tuner of vehicles from the Volkswagen Group has now opened a showroom there together with its partner CATC and their largest dealer ZRF. As a presentation platform it sets new standards in the company. Thomas Biermaier, Export Manager at ABT, had the following to say at the opening in the metropolis of Beijing: "The wealth of the middle-class itself is an emerging economic force and for us it is a market with enormous potential.” Andrew Wu, CEO of CATC, adds: "German vehicles are very popular in China, especially in urban regions. ABT has an excellent reputation here.”

It is therefore no wonder that the largest showroom of ABT Sportsline outside of the headquarters in Kempten is located in the capital of China. "Almost 18 million people live in the region of Beijing and their purchasing power is constantly growing”, states Biermaier in justification of the decision to locate here. The fact that the right partners had been chosen was also evident in the busy phase prior to the opening of the ABT showroom: a powerful monsoon shower before the start of the event threw the plans into chaos, but the Chinese partners had everything perfectly under control. Their experience showed through – and the showroom operator ZRF has this in volumes: the Beijing company is the oldest Audi and VW dealer in China.

In a modern sales showroom, competent personnel now show customers ABT’s product range. On the 2,000 square meter area there are always four or five complete vehicles on show. It goes without saying that interested parties can also get information about the range of accessories, such as the sporty light-metal alloys – which many Chinese did extensively shortly after the opening. After all, anyone who wants to tune their Audi or Volkswagen can’t avoid ABT Sportsline - even in China.  

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